Friday, February 14, 2020

Arguments for and against the Legitimacy of 2003 Invasion of Iraq Literature review

Arguments for and against the Legitimacy of 2003 Invasion of Iraq - Literature review Example Right through its history, America has not hesitated to use force under the pretexts of principles, sovereignty, and justice.   American military intervention in world affairs has risen drastically since the end of the Second World War.   The period following the Second World War saw America assume the role of a superpower that headed the western coalition in what was a bipolar world.   Since the collapse of Soviet Union, America has had at its disposal the most potent military force.   Its economic structure complements military spending; leading to a military industrial complex. Noted political commentator Ivo Daalder raises some valid questions regarding the legitimacy of the invasion.   Daalder argues that the invasion was illegitimate on two counts: 1.there was no provocation from Iraq and 2.the United Nations Security Council did not approve of the war.   Military actions of countries such as Iran and North Korea were condemned by the U.N. and the United States alike.   If the same standards were to be applied to all participant countries then the United States deserves its condemnation. On the other hand, supporters of the Bush Administration argue that toppling Saddam Hussein was a just act that needs no further legitimacyÃ'ŽÂ   Liberating the country from an oppressive dictatorship is deemed a just act in and of itself.   Apart from the geopolitical significance of Bush Administration’s militarism, the image of the country is also at stake.   Popular opinion in the rest of the world is very unfavorable towards Americans – they don’t seem to make a distinction between the government and its populace.   According to Robert Kagan, â€Å"To forge a renewed political consensus on the use of force, we first need to recognize that international legitimacy does matter. It matters to Americans, who want to believe they are acting justly and are troubled if others accuse them of selfish, immoral or otherwise illegitimate behavior. It matters to our democratic friends and allies, whose support may attest to the justness of the cause and whose participation may often be necessary to turn a military victory into a lasting political success.†

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Design Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Design - Essay Example There are three main designs of the bottle, that is, bottles made of bamboo, stone and sea shell. Choice of the three designs anchors on the company’s philosophy to offer products that are sensitive to benign nature of the environment (Gabriel, 2014). All the three bottles are refillable, thus minimizing incidences of disposure. Bamboo, stone and Sea Shell designs take resonance with Oriental, Spa and Sea respectively (Lidwell, & Manacsa, 2009). Each design demarcates for the target client that which he or she is able to anticipate from resultant effect of the product to their body’s thus guiding choice of selection. For example, Bamboo extract contributes to Vitamin E in the human skin. Vitamin E contains antioxidants that nourishes the skin of an individual (Lidwell, Holden, Butler, & Elam, 2010). As such, products within the bottle made of bamboo design resonates with positive contributory effect of bamboo extracts to enlighten the human skin. Creation of the bamboo entails chopping of the bamboo reeds in physical size that is in tandem with other sizes of products which the company offer (Chin, 2005). Size of the bamboo tube also has the capacity to bear rightful quantities of moisturizer as Natugo establishes. Outer cover of the bamboo bottle is green. Essence of the green color is for educative purposes (Brandau, 2012). Green is a representative color for nature. Therefore, the green color depicts that the product is purely natural and contains elements of extracts that emanate from Bamboo therefore healthy and benevolent in refreshing skin of the users (Hughes, 2006). Creation of the stone bottles entails selection of fine stones. The stones resemble the ones used within a Spa (Lee, 2005). Designer of the stone arranges bigger stone to constitute base of the bottle. Pile of the stones emerge in a descending order in times of the physical size. The designer then drill a